Birthdays are important because they are periods of celebration and reflection. However, very few people know that their birthday carries important messages about their life.
Your birthday is not ordinary. It conveys crucial information about who you are and who you are meant to be in life.
To achieve your purpose in life, you have to understand who you are. Knowing the Meaning of your birthday will assist you to attain true happiness. This article will take you through the Meaning of December 1 birthday. Make sure you read all of it.
Loyal and Faithful
People born on December 1 are usually loyal and faithful in their relationships. Sagittarians are love beings. They love genuinely and also wants to be loved in return.
They are dedicated to their friends and partner. They care about them and won’t do anything to hurt them intentionally. They can sacrifice for their friends and go out of their way to make them happy.
The Sagittarius love their space and respect boundaries. They are specific about what they want and love partners that pay attention to details. It makes them more interested in the relationship.
They will like not to change their mind about a person they care about; instead, they try to fix the relationship and make it solid. They expect their partner to be loyal and faithful to them. Sagittarians have many positive traits, which are loyalty and honesty.
Strong-willed, Independent and Ambitious
People born on this date have solid independent traits. Once they make up their mind about something, they will likely not change their mind. They love to pursue what they want and what is most important to them.
They have an interest in business, traveling and sport. They are risk-takers and take responsibility for their actions. They are business and life coaches.
They can see a bigger picture and therefore make independent moves, neglecting other people’s harmful advice. They are problem solvers and make calculated moves in whatever they want to do.
They love traveling and enjoying life. They put so much effort into building their relationships and business. They have their mind and can’t be controlled by others.
It doesn’t mean that they don’t respect authority. They aim higher in all matters of life. They always desire for more and refuse to ever settle for less.
Social and Friendly
People born on December 1 are usually pleasant and friendly. They love to go to exciting places and meet new people. They hate a dull environment. They relate well with friends, neighbors, coworkers and relatives.
They plan events that make people come together and have fun. They hardly get angry or annoyed about anything. They are free-spirited and understanding. They spread love everywhere they go and always put on a smiling face.
They tend to hide their pain and show love to others. They are affectionate, kind and generous. They believe people are good and can’t quickly tell when someone will hurt them.
They are also quickly bored with regular activities, so they explore and look out for other exciting activities. They love trying out new things with friends and also loves adventure.
You take your health seriously.
People born on December 1 are usually health-conscious. They take note of any changes they observe in their body and readily seeks professional help.
They are tidy and show up at different events looking glamorous. Their health is one of the most critical aspects of their life. They advise their loved ones on matters concerning their wellness.
As much as they love to work, they also take time to rest and take care of themselves. They appreciate good food and periodic health check-up. They are sensitive to whatever is going on around them.
They engage in exercise moderately. They also believe the saying that “Health is Wealth”. Therefore, they do not take matters concerning their health with fun and negligence but with utmost priority.
Career and Finance
People born on December 1 are creative and resourceful. Their career choice can be based on their substantial imaginative and creative abilities. They are highly energetic, confident and diligent.
They are hardworking but can be challenging to work with as a team. People born on this day are also good at managing their income and usually set aside some funds to meet unexpected life emergencies.
They are disciplined and don’t usually spend on Impulse. If it’s not extremely important, they would instead stick to their budget.
General personality of people born on December 1
Openness and Honesty
People born on this day are honest and open. They detest lies and deceit. They are very reliable and trustworthy. They engage in brilliant conversation, and they never hide any information that can benefit people around them.
They are open to new ideas and development without restrictions. Through their honesty, they win the heart of people around them easily. They are affectionate and have empathy.
Their willingness to help others is usually from a genuine heart. They are accountable and faithful to the relationships they build.
You are very confident.
People born on December 1 are usually overconfident, which can be a negative trait. They believe they are always right and makes the best decision at all time.
December 1 zodiac people can be difficult to understand sometimes. They have high self-confidence and energy. They are gifted emotionally and have high intellectual capacity.
They make sure they fully understand any subject they are interested in, which makes them feel overconfident in their abilities.
December 1 Favourite color
People who are born on December 1 love purple. They refer to the color purple as their lucky color. Purple signifies royalty, and this makes them have high self-esteem.
This color appeals to them, and they don’t mind having many things in the color purple. They love to have purple in their homes and any other place where they spend most of their time.
The color purple also stands for imagination, dreams, psychic abilities and a high level of consciousness.
December 1 birthday symbols
The Archer is the symbol for the Sagittarius zodiac sign. This symbol could mean high independence and purpose, ambition and loyalty.
December 1 Birthday Tarot Card
When you are born on this day, your tarot card is The Magician. This card signifies excellent communication abilities, which explains why people born today have many people around them; that is, they are social and friendly.
It also means that it helps people born in this day to have the ability to make the right decision in most situations. It allows them to see things beyond the present and use their instinct and intuition to predict the future outcome of any event.
The magician has all the universe’s potential at his disposal and naturally knows how best to apply and utilize it.
December 1 Lucky Days
Their lucky days are Sunday and Thursday for people born on this day. For Sunday, this day is governed by the Sun. It helps them boost their self-confidence and become more creative and ambitious in life.
For Thursday, this day is ruled by Jupiter. It is a day of acquisition of knowledge and skills. It explains why they are usually good at what they do. They are like perfectionists and pay attention to the tiniest details to get a brilliant result.
December 1 Birthstone
If you are born on this date, your Birthstone is Turquoise Gem. The Turquoise gem is a symbolic representation of pure positive energy, and it is also considered a stone of friendship.
It is believed that receiving a turquoise as a gift instills making friends quickly in you. Turquoise empowers both men and women equally.
It is said that if worn or carried (for example, in your pocket or bag), it is always a talisman for luck, growth, ambition and success.
December 1 Element
The element for December 1 is Fire. This element is said to make people born on December 1 enthusiastic, exciting, socially active and warm. It also offers them the confidence to pursue their goals and aspirations.
December 1 Ruling House
The Ruling House for December 1 is the Ninth House. The ninth house rules how much the person will travel and discover new places. Travelling enables people to enrich their knowledge about the world.
The ninth house can also reflect values, concepts, and theories that enhance the world around us and serve as a reminder that we are constantly discovering.
In a nutshell, December 1 birthday conveys many messages about different aspects of your life. It also tells you things about yourself, which could help in your journey to self-discovery.
Most messages transmitted by December 1 are positive, and people born on December 1 tend to have a good life.
Your responsibility is to take the notes passed by December 1 to heart and live by them. If you listen to the messages, your guardian angels give you through your birthday. You will indeed find happiness.
Many thanks for taking the time to read this article !